One day free legal aid camp was organized on 29 th of august in Uruli Kanchan village aimed to provide legal assistance and awareness to the local community. The occasion was graced by Sarpanch Amit baba Kanchan, Ex Up-sarpanch Snachita Kanchan, Vice chairman Adv. Ashok Palande, Principal Dr. Sunita Adhav and other respected members of the gram panchayat.

A wide range of legal topics was covered, including agricultural laws, role of district legal service authority, property rights, children's rights, and domestic violence. The camp featured interactive sessions and a play on domestic violence to raise awareness about this pressing issue. The camp was particularly effective in raising awareness about domestic violence through the play highlighting the devastating impact of this crime on individuals and families. It also encouraged victims to seek help and report abuse to the authorities. Many villagers attended the camp, seeking help regarding various legal matters. Some were facing disputes over land ownership or inheritance, while others were concerned about the rights of their children. The students provided valuable advice and information, helping the villagers to understand their legal rights & possible remedies to their problems.

Overall, the free legal aid camp was fruitful & sown seeds for further interactions. It provided a valuable service to the villagers of Uruli Kanchan and helped to raise awareness about important legal issues. D.E.S SNFLC legal aid clinic hopes to continue organizing similar events in the future to ensure that the community has access to legal assistance.

Free Legal Aid Clinic

Free Legal Aid Clinic of DES Shri. NavalmalFirodia Law College has been established as per the Rules on Standards of Legal Education and Recognition of Degrees (BCI Education Rules, 2008). The Legal Aid Clinic basically serves the purpose of providing legal aid and advice not with the aim of earning profit but in General Public Interest. The College aims to provide access to justice for the poor, disadvantaged or unorganized groups. We provide a wide range of expertise in the matters relating to divorce, property, taxation, women’s rights, environmental protection, child welfare, labour issues, rights of differently abled persons, etc.

Keeping in line with the concept of Pro Bono Publico, DES SNFLC has undertaken to uphold the cause of social justice by creating awareness amongst the weaker sections with regard to their rights, legal predicaments, etc. Actualizing this pledge, we have Legal Aid Clinic imparting clinical legal education to the students.

Legal aid denotes legal assistance to needy and indigent persons and legal literacy is the endeavour for creating legal awareness, in tow with maxim IgnorantiaFacit Doth Excusat, Ignorantia Juris Non Excusa - Ignorance of fact may be excused, ignorance of law, shall not be.

Aim & Objectives

The Legal Aid Clinic has following aims and objectives:

  • To provide free legal aid and advice to the poor and disadvantaged sections of the society
  • To provide an arrangement so that machinery of administration of justice becomes easily accessible and within reach of those who have no means to resort to it.
  • To spread legal awareness through legal aid camps and street plays
  • To organise Legal Literacy Programmes
  • To promote Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism
  • To assist the people seeking interpretation of law orders, notices, awards and judgments
  • To give practical experience to students while dealing with actual cases handled by the Clinic as a part of Clinical Legal Education.
  • To help the students develop and realize their professional and social responsibility.
  • To provide para-legal services like drafting affidavits, assisting in registration of marriages, births and deaths, preparation of electoral rolls and filling out various other type of forms, etc.

Modalities of Working

The Legal Aid Clinic has following modalities:

Legal Aid and Advice -Legal Aid Clinic offers legal aid and advice in legal matters to the poor and needy person.

Amicable Settlement of Disputes -Legal Aid Clinic also strives to settle the disputes through counselling, negotiation, mediation and conciliation, etc.Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms

Legal Literacy Programs -Legal literacy camps are conducted in rural areas and slums to spread legal awareness through lectures, street plays, posters exhibition, etc.

Para-legal services -The clinic provides para-legal services free of cost likedrafting affidavits, assisting in registration of marriages, births and deaths, preparation of electoral rolls and filling out various other type of forms, etc.

Anti-Ragging Campaign is conducted through street plays in several Colleges and hostels.

A.Y.2023 - 24

Performance of role play at Regional Mediation Conference' (14/10/2023)

Academic year: 2021-22

Academic year: 2020-21