
Every year a special session is conducted for the orientation of the prospective members of the Moot Court Society for that academic year. In that session students are briefed about the argumentative skills, court mannerisms, style of argument, techniques to respond to the queries of the judges. Experienced members of the bar are invited for conducting this session.

Selection Procedure

The procedure is followed for the selection of the prospective members of the Moot Court Society is very objective.

Problem is given

The problem is given which is based on actual case or sometimes the problem is imaginary one based on legal questions for the determination and argumentation by the participants.

Intra Moot Competition for Screening

Argumentation skills of prospective members are tested through the screening round. In first round their oral presentation are conducted.

Selection of Members

On basis of the score in oral presentation and written test on an average 50 members are selected as members of Moot Court Society for that academic year.

Student Participation on various Moot Courts

Members who are selected through the selection process represent college in various state level, national level and international level moot competition

Student Achievement in moots

Every year many laurels are won by the college students

Organisation Of Lokmanya National Appellate Moot Court Competition

This competition is a unique initiative by the college. It is National Level Appellate Moot Competition. In this competition actual case of trial court is given.

Old Short Reports

In annual college Magazine SWA-DES annual report of every department indicating the major achievements of every department.


Photographs of the events are published in the Annual College Magazine.

Academic year: 2022-23

Academic year: 2022-23

Academic year: 2021-22

Academic year: 2020-21

Academic year: 2019-20