• To reorient legal education by making provision for sufficient opportunity to the students for extensive as well as intensive study of law.
  • Understand Indian legal system and the justice system and the underlying philosophy and theoretical considerations.
  • To equip the students with knowledge of law, practical application of law, analytical thinking and logical reasoning, as well as effective communication skill.
  • To meet the needs of contemporary requirements of Bar, Bench and Industry in the globalised economic era.
  • To educate the students of diverse fields to nurture effective, ethical and expert personage who are employable in a variety of legal domains.
  • To develop analytical and reasoning skills and abilities of the students to solve the legal problems and find solutions to the problem by developing the interpretation skills and application of laws and regulations.
  • To appreciate the interdisciplinary nature of law and its interplay with other disciplines
  • Develop the ability to perform legal analysis and reasoning, legal research, problem solving, written and oral communication in the legal context and apply it in legal practice and real life situation.
  • To enhance the interpretation skills and introduce the jurisprudential aspects of law and justice.
  • Learn skills of a law professional, policy – makers, an administrator, a legislator or a judge.

Master of Law (LL.M.)

  • To enhance the teaching and research skills of the students.
  • To develop analytical understanding of the subject, theories and institutions in the area of specialization.
  • To develop analytical skills and abilities of the students to solve the legal problems and find solutions to the problem by developing the interpretation skills and application of laws and regulations.
  • To imbibe the research skills in doctrinal and empirical research.
  • To develop the ability of analyzing the law in relation to contemporary developments at national and international level.
  • To get equipped with the teaching methods through the law teaching and communication skills.
  • To imbibe the ethical principles and commit to legal professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of the established legal practices.
  • To train the law academicians, law professionals, practicing advocates, and leaders in the area of law and policy making.