Aims and Objectives of LRC
- To encourage and facilitate research activity.
- To enable students to hone skills of research and analysis.
- To inculcate the spirit of appreciating the juristic trends and evolve a thought process.
- To promote research Culture among the faculty and students.
- To publish the research through a Law Journal.
- To initiate inter-disciplinary approach in Legal Research.
Functioning of LRC
- LRC conducts its weekly meeting.
- LRC coordinator notifies, new research areas and research opportunity to teachers and
students and assist, guide them to submit research proposals.
- Information of different research competitions, of research activities is notified on LRC
notice board and maximum participation is promoted.
- The teachers are encouraged to undertaking research projects; participate in academic forums
and seminars.
- At the end of every academic year LRC reviews the progress of research activities like
research projects, publications, faculty and students participations at conferences and
College Legal Research Journal
The college also has Law Research Journal “Fiat Justitia”, with ISSN No.2320-2696.
Budgetary Provisions
The college has specific budgetary provision for research every year. This money is used for
facilitating in research activity by providing funds for field work, internet expenses, printing
expenses, purchased of research specific literature, books and software, etc.