Application for Avishkar, 2017-18.

Project title : The Doctor: Till Last Breath

Author’s Name: Asst. Prof. Aishwarya Kadam

College name: Faculty at Deccan Education Society’s Shri Navalal Firodia Law College, Pune.

City: Pune, Maharashtra.

E-mail id:

Contact No: 9420860963

Category: Law


Clinical research is vital as biomedicine is to continue providing humanity with new treatments. The controversies relating to clinical trials are not something which can be decided in black and white. There is a lot of grey area as the Participants are not aware of their rights, consequences of clinical trial. Rather it's an interface of elements like law, ethics, scientific development, human rights and social good. As these scientific tests/trials involve the application of advanced technologies, there is a need for well framed rules and laws for the conduct of these tests/trials. Development of law is not as per technological advancement. Current National and International Regulatory Framework focuses more on ethical concern than legal regulations, both aspects should be balanced. Certainly it's not easy to set an order of priority or precedence among these elements. This research project attempts to find out the solutions to the Malpractices and loop holes in the current regulatory framework in respect of Human Rights and other Social Aspects of an individual.

Key Words: Medical Experimentation, National and Inter-National Framework, Human Rights of an individual, Ethical issues

Project title : Legislative Aspects For public Sanitation in India

Author’s Name: Gayatri Kulkarni

College name: Deccan Education Society’s Shri Navalal Firodia Law College, Pune.

City: Pune, Maharashtra.

Contact No: 9767256327

Category: Law


The Constitution of India has provided in the Directive Principles has provided that the state should look after that the citizens be given maximum health standard. It has been recognised internationally that right to health is a distinct right accordingly the right to health includes right to public sanitation and hygiene and it is the need of the hour that it be recognised in India. Till today many policies regarding sanitation have been framed, also a cess has been launched to provide funding for the said cause. But, the situation hasn’t changed as yet. The need of the hour is to create an effective model to deal with various aspects relating to Public Sanitation and Hygiene.

Key Words: Public Sanitation, Right, Effective model.

Viable Process For Marine Insurance Settlement – A Study

Author’s Name: Asst. Neeta Ahir

College name: D.E.S. Shri Navalmal Firodia Law College, Pune

E-mail id:

Contact No: 9579791979

Category: Law

Level: Teachers


The Marine Insurance is one of the facets of insurance, because through such, ship owners and transporters can be sure of claiming damages due to natural occurrences which have the potential to harm the cargo, vessel and other incidents which cause a huge loss. This loss is to be remedied by the claim satisfaction. The Marine Insurance Act 1963 provides a detail procedure for the settlement of the claim. Due to lack of proper evidence to support there is a huge constrain where the losses are generally out of control of the insured.

Key Words: Marine Insurance , Settlement of claims, Losses

Application for Avishkar, 2017-18.

Project title : Enforcement of Right to Privacy - Socio-Legal Perspectives.

Author’s Name: Asst. Prof. PriyaDhanokar

College name: Faculty at Deccan Education Society’s Shri NavalalFirodia Law College, Pune.

City: Pune, Maharashtra.

E-mail id:

Contact No: 9403053130

Category: Law


Right to Privacy has been declared as a Fundamental Right in recent past. Informational Privacy in digital world is one of the facets of Right to Privacy. Presently, due to ongoing technological advancements in the area of social media as well as use of digital modes in carrying out day-to-day transactions, there has been wide spread storage anddissemination of private information of individuals in various domains. Hence, there exists an urgent need to formulate some mechanism so as to make all such data handlers accountable in case of any threat to data privacy. Legal controversies involved in formulation of such legal frameworks can be cited as horizontal application of Fundamental Rights, balancing of public interests and private rights, finding out pragmatic solutions to balance Right to Privacy and use of technologically advanced means of communication and like. Present research project seek tohighlight a pressing need as to formulation of comprehensive mechanism for data protection in digital world.

Key Words: Right to Privacy, Data Protection, Social Media

Application for Avishkar, 2017-18.

Project title : Now You See Me - A new age of Bio-surveillance

Author’s Name: Niyati Shah

College name: Faculty at Deccan Education Society’s Shri NavalalFirodia Law College, Pune.

City: Pune, Maharashtra.

E-mail id:

Contact No: 9403356793

Category: Law


The question of privacy is of prime importance for the Indian populous. The Human DNA Profiling Bill aims to refine the criminal justice delivery system. DNA testing and profiling, is a powerful tool by way of which identity of persons shall be acquired, stored and determined. The Bill further aims to create two new bodies, a DNA Profiling Board and a DNA Data Bank at the national and state level. This research project attempts to provide with an informative review of the potential impact of this Bill on the administration of justice, rights and other social aspects of an individual.